Aug 082024

Recently, after watching one of my videos, a user asked about what tasting glasses I used, and so after a few days of thinking about it, I posted my first formal video essay about the subject.  Other unposted videos on varying random topics have been made before, mostly commentaries and opinions (some quite incendiary, which is why they stay on my computer not online) rather than something like this, which leans more to the educational.

I wouldn’t normally give a video a post of its own here, since it’s already out there on the major vlogging platforms. But it’s the first one of its kind I’ve ever done, it’s longer than usual (just shy of 13 minutes), and in a departure from my normal process, I made it in black and white, with a square picture format. So from a content and visual perspective, I quite like it. Moreover, it has driven more user commentary than any other video I’ve ever posted, and that makes it a useful addition to the site.

Links are:

As always, leave a comment if you wish, but otherwise, enjoy.