Apr 222016


It is a rum of enormous taste and great breadth of profileand if it had been a little less serious, a little more forceful, I would have called mine Falstaff.

In spite of its light blonde colour, there has always been something dark and dour, almost Heathcliff-ish, about the Enmore rums, including this 1988 variation (maybe it’s the bottle design of black-on-dark-red). It’s a brilliantly done piece of work, a drone-quality delivery system for ensuring your taste buds get every bit of nuance that can be squeezed out. And that, let me tell you, is quite a bit.

So many people have written about Velier and its products (myself among them), in particular the Demeraras which made the company’s reputation, that I won’t rehash the background, as there are sufficient reference materials out there for anyone to get the details. With respect to this rum, however, some additional information is necessary. According to the label, it was continental aged, not the more heavily hyped tropical ageing that Velier espouses these days. Also, since it was distilled in November 1988 and bottled in March of 2008 it’s actually a nineteen year old rum, not twenty (which is why I’ve titled the review that way). And lastly, it was not one of those rums Velier selected in situ in Guyana and then bottled, but originally shipped to Europe in bulk and then chosen for bottling there. So in these respects it is somewhat at a tangent to more famous rums from the Italian company.

Does this matter to me? Not really. I like the wooden stills’ outputs as a whole, and have tried several Enmores, including the too-weak EHP issued by DDL itself in 2007. Overall, rare as they are, they are all worth (mostly) the coin, and if my love is more given to Port Mourant rums, this one does the brand no dishonour. In fact, it’s a very good product, adhering to many of the pointers we look for in rums from Guyana in general, and Velier in particular.


Getting right into it, I loved the noseit was just short of spectacular, opening with coffee, toffee, and anise. Rich thick petrol and wax and shoe polish aromas developed rapidly, but they were well dialled down and in no way intrusive. Newcomer to rum who read this may shake their heads and ask “How can anyone taste crap like that and like it?” but trust me on this, the melding of these smells with the emergent molasses and fruity background, is really quite delicious, and I spent better than fifteen minutes coming back to it, over and over again,

Hay blonde (or light gold) in colour, one might think this meant a wussie little muffin of a rum. Nope. It was bottled at a mouth watering 51.9%, tasting it was a restrained kinetic experiencenot on the level of the >60% beefcakes Velier occasionally amuses itself with (you know, the kind of rums where you can hear the minigun shells plinking on the ground as you drink) but sporting a taste vibrant enough to shake the shop I was in, if not so fiery as to require tongs to lift and pour. Medium-to-full bodied, the initial attack was straw, cedar, hay, dust and very little sweet of any kind. The wax and petrol, and smoky flavours were all there, yet not at all dominant, more a lighter counterpoint to others, which, after a few minutes, began a slow and stately barrage across the palate: dried dates, raisins, tart ripe mangoes, cloves, papaya, flowers, dark chocolate and a slight briny sense underlying it all. It was, I must stress, quite a powerful overall drink, in spite of it not being as strong as others I’ve tried over the years. “Firmly intense” might describe it best.

The finish was one to savour as well. It was of medium length, a little dry, and gave up no particularly new notes to titillate, merely developed from the richness the preceded it. Some additional sweet came forward here, a vague molasses and caramel, more chocolatethe best thing about it was a lovely creaminess at the back end, which did not detract in the slightest from dark fruits, more freshly sawn wood, a little smoke, brine and chocolate.

Velier was bottling rums since around 2000, and for my money their golden years occurred when they issued the best of the Demeraras, around 2005-20101that’s when the 1970s editions rolled out (like the Skeldon and PM, for example). And if, good as it is, the Enmore 1988 doesn’t ascend quite to the heights of many others, no lover of Demerara rums can fail to appreciate what Luca did when he issued it. The Enmore falls right into that band of remarkable Velier offerings, and the romantic in me supposes that it was made at a time when Luca was mature enough in his choices to pick well, but still young enough to remember the reasons why he loved rums in the first place. All the reasons he loved them. This rum is one of the showcases of the still, the country, and the man.

(#267. 89/100)

Other notes

  • 419 bottle outturn from two barrels.
  • Personal thanks and a big hat tip go to Pietro Caputo of Italy, who sent me the sample gratis.
  • Top and bottom pictures come from Marco Freyr of Barrel-Aged-Mind, who also reviewed this rum.

Enmore 1988 1



  1. See Part 2 of the 3-part retrospective The Age of Velier’s Demeraras

  7 Responses toVelier Enmore (Versailles Still) 1988 19 Year Old RumReview

  1. My pleasure!

  2. Have you tried other Enmore’s? Silver Seal or Bristol Spirits or Isla Del Ron ldr003?

    If yes, how does it compare.

    I regret missing those years.

    • Not many, unfortunately. They are getting rarer and more expensive all the time. I picked up a Silver Seal Enmore last week in Paris, have tried DDL’s EHP and the Velier Enmore-PM blend, but the sample set is insufficient to make any intelligent, wide ranging comparisons.

    • Isla del Ron Enmore is an interesting comparison being similar age in continental climate.

      The Enmore(s) Velier that are striking the palate are the 95 and the magnificient 98, both Tropical ageing (no surprise Luca is investing and strategically keeping this route).

      I found this 88 superior to the 90, and to some of other IB 1990 continentals.

      • Silver Seal 1988-2013 has good reviews. Some are still available but prices are rising slowly.

        It is very interesting and sad that these rums seem to be available for few vintages only.

        Hope DDL is not wasting all barrels in the ED.

        Pietro, Ruminsky have you tried theRumCask Enmore 1990?

      • I just bought the Silver Seal 1988won’t be able to review it until after October, though 🙁

        No, have not tried the Rum Cask Enmoreyet.

        • The Silver Seal 1988 seems to be from a different batch. As far as I know, there are two different batches of 1988 Enmore. One is not coloured and from the Single Pot Still (like this Velier bottling), the other is coloured and it is not quite clear from which still it is. Silver Seal mentions the Wooden Coffey Still on the packaging, but not on the label of their 1988 bottling. Not too sure about that, since there were quite a few label-errors with indie bottlings.

          Anyway, I am very much looking forward to your review of the Silver Seal. October is my birthday month, so the review will be kind of a present for me. 🙂

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