Key Rums Of The World


Introduction to the series (October 15th, 2017)

There are certain rums which are not at the top of the quality ladderyet year in and year out, they have so many vocal adherents and champions, so many references throughout the literature, are so reasonably priced for the quality they do have, and come up in just about every conversation about a particular country’s (or perhaps company’s) rums, that they can reasonably be called Key Rums of the World. They belong on the shelf of every rum lover who wishes to gain insight into the wide profile variations and geographical dispersion rum embodies.

When I wrote the re-review of the Appleton 12 year old earlier in 2017, with the benefit of over eight years tasting and writing about hundreds of rums, it occurred to me that it was ready for a re-evaluation, and I called it a classic, a key rum of Jamaica. There are other rums like that, which exemplify their countries styles, or their companiesethos. Sometimes such rums are used as references by purists only; sometimes by rum fans and the general drinking population; on very rare occasions by both, and when that happens, you know it’s real.

And so, in this perhaps misguided effort to compile a list of what I believe to be some core reference rums of our time, I decided to start a new long term series, occasionally updated, as I come across and re-taste older rums (or find new ones) that I feel deserve another look. I was going to call it The Classics, but truth to tell, that’s too grandiose and suggests an elitism with which I’m uncomfortable: a Classic (or a Great Rum) is one individual which stands supreme in its own right and always will (and by that standard anything over 90 points here can theoretically qualify for that status). In contrast, a Key rum provides insight to the brand line, the company and the country from which it hailsand, perhaps more importantly, can be appreciated by more than just the deep-pocketed, the experts, or those who’ve tried scores if not hundreds of rums.

Who decides? What are the criteria? I have had to set some personal ground rules to assess which ones to consider. In no order they are:

  • In general, the rums should not be a limited edition of any kind, whether single barrel or anniversary offering. For it to be considered a key rum of the general public’s drinking experience it must be available commercially, and be in production as at the time of writing, preferably for many years.
  • The rum must be spoken of, written about and come up for discussion regularly, for good or ill. And for this reason, much as this will horrify many (or cause them to disregard this list with a snort of derision) I cannot in fairness exclude rums which have been adulterated such as those from Diplomatico, Zacapa, Plantation or even some El Dorados. If I was making a list of Great Rums then yes, they would never even come up for consideration. But this list is not at that levelpeople love these things and buy them constantly, refer to them almost as touchstones. They cannot be excluded. So rums I may not particularly care for but which satisfy the criteria here, must make the cut and I must make the case for the reader why they should be included…. and also, why to serious rummies they fail.
  • The rums can be from either a company or a country. However, given the limited-edition rule, many favoured independents will likely be left out unless there is a series or a body of special rums that are satisfy the other criteria.
  • Based on my notes above, it is clear that the regular rum buyer should be able to get such a key rum, and that almost presupposes an affordable price. Secondary market resales of rare rums are occasionally considered, and while expense is not an issue, the availability and affordability criteria for the general public would suggest something less than the very top-end marketed either as a halo brand or only to the 1%.
  • These points aside, the world doesn’t play by my rules and nothing goes as expected, so it’s possible that exceptions may occasionally be made: where this is done, I will try to explain clearly the reasons for my divergence. I hope it doesn’t strain the patience off too many readers, where this occurs.

All rums listed here would be tasted fresh, all over again, irrespective of whether I’ve written about them before, and no, I didn’t, don’t and won’t re-read any older review before doing the rewrite. The El Dorado 21 revisit, for example, was written with great passion, from scratch, based on some thoughts about older marques being left behind, and a poem I’d read that same day.

It’s a rather grandiose project, to try and summarize rum production into just a few that define whole regions or countries or whole styles, that are examples every aficionado has either gone through, tasted once, or has on her shelf. But perhaps, closing in on five hundred reviews, I finally have both the sample set size and the confidence to try and do so. Why do it? It’s to answer the perennial questions asked every month or two on Facebook or Reddit or rum club meetings around the world: I’m a new rum lover, what do I start with? Or Which rum from Country X should I get? From now on, whenever someone asks me these questions, I’m linking to this page.

Well, enough of an introduction, then. Let’s get started.

The Rums:

  1. Appleton 12 Year OldJamaica
  2. El Dorado 21 Year OldGuyana
  3. Mount Gay XOBarbados
  4. El Dorado 15 Year OldGuyana
  5. Diplomatico Reserva ExclusivaVenezuela
  6. Rivers AntoineRivers RoyaleWhiteGrenada
  7. English Harbour 10 Year OldAntigua
  8. The Foursquare Exceptional Cask SeriesBarbados
  9. Barbancourt Réserve Spéciale 8 Year Old RhumHaiti
  10. Pusser’s 15 Year Old Original Navy RumBVI
  11. Damoiseau Rhum Vieux Agricole 5 Year OldGuadeloupe
  12. J. Wray & Nephew White Overproof RumJamaica
  13. Santa Teresa Antiguo de Solera 1796 – Venezuela
  14. Saint James 12 YO Rhum Vieux AgricoleMartinique
  15. The Habitation Velier SeriesPot Still, Multi-country
  16. Doorly’s 12 Year OldBarbados
  17. Rhum de Père Labat Rhum DoréMarie Galante
  18. Worthy Park Single Estate ReserveJamaica
  19. Clarke’s Court Pure White OverproofGrenada
  20. St. Lucia DistillersChairman’s Reserve (Original) – St. Lucia
  21. Velier’s Haitian ClairinsHaiti
  22. Havana Club Selección de MaestrosCuba
  23. Ron Zacapa Centenario Gran Reserva 23 “Solera”Guatemala
  24. Bacardi ReservaOcho” 8 YO RumPuerto Rico/Global
  25. Old Monk Vatted 7 YO RumIndia
  26. Plantation OFTD OverproofFrance/Caribbean
  27. 1423 S.B.S. – TheSingle Origin RumSeriesMulti-Country, Unaged

Update July, 2021: Nearly four years into this series (and somewhat to my surprise), the folks at the RumCast podcast wanted to discuss the concepts and importance of the Key Rums, and we talked for a couple of hours about the subject.

  14 Responses toKey Rums Of The World

  1. Is this series finished or is it going to continue? I kind of miss some sort of an agricole representative.

    Congratulations on the site and reviews too, they’re very informative. Cheers!

    • The series is barely started, but as I noted it is rather long term in nature, and much as I would like to simply write essay after essay to flesh it out, I actually have to taste the rums (again) for which I make a case. So there will be others in the months and years to come, for sure….just not as swiftly as we both might prefer.

      The list can in no way be complete without agricoles, cachacas, grogues, clairins or blancs.

    • Hey there just an accessibility note regarding your WordPress theme on a mobile device.

      When linking to an article on your site. The content becomes unreadable on a Pixel android device. See the image linked.

  2. I agree with El Dorado but I hear the 15 yr is better than the older.. Next Diplomatica and Mount Gay. Haven’t tried the others.

    • The El Dorado 15 and the 21 trade places as people’s favourites, depending on who’s talking. My father loves the 15, and I give the 21 the edge.

  3. As a novice in the Rum community I appreciate your zeal in sharing your experiences.

  4. Hi I’m new to rum and am now just starting to try out a few bottles. I’d very much like to use your list as a reference pont, but as a beginner I’m a bit tentative around sweetened rums as I’m afraid they might spoil my taste or conception of rum. So would it be very wrong if I asked you to differentiate between the sweetened and non-adulterated rums? Thanks 🙂

    • It would not be wrong at all but since I don’t review spiced rums and just about always mention in each review whether (as far as I know) a rum has beeen adulterated or not, then reading the essay will usually tell you the salient facts. I can’t see myself going back through 800+ reviews and categorizing/tagging them that way, though, sorry.

      If you are interested in whether any rum has been dosed or not (whether ot not it appears here), I’d suggest you googlehydromter test” “sugar” “rumsandlisttogetherthere are several sites that have hydrometer tests which are used to caclculate estimated dosage and maintain lists, not very consistently, of the more common rums around.

  5. I am from Guyana and I really like the El Dorado 12 and was surprised you did not mention it.
    There is a whole thing going on here between the 12 and 15 and some people not speaking to each other. We all agree the 21 is fine. I do believe it is taste. I am not a big fan of the woodiness of the PM double. And of the single stills I like the VSG the best. Seems like I am in the minority but that is how it is.

    • Hi Salvador

      There are several reasons why the 12 isn’t included as a Key Rum. For me to include any rum in this series it has to meet at least some of several criteria (which are flexible, but still mine, applied as consistently as possible):

      1. It has to come up for mention in the literatureonline or off, whether officially, social media, print or on other’s commentaries or websitesregularly.

      2. It must be important or stand out in some way: for the ED15 it was the fact that it was the flagship released in 1992, a consistently strong seller, a very popular rum that popped up on best-of lists all over the place for years; the ED21 was a seriously aged rum with a price tag amazingly low for that age, tasted well and was an all round affordable and regularly-released premium, one of the first of its kind.

      3. I don’t have to necessarily like it, but at least appreciate it. The ED15 an ED 21, for sure.

      4. The usual issues of affordability, approachability and available apply, of course.

      By those standards, the ED12 really doesn’t make the cut. It has always taken a lesser place in people’s affections (including mine), rarely makes lists or commentaries, has no real importance attached to it, and frankly, I think it’s too faint and lacks a taste profile that makes one stand up and take notice. Sure it’s affordable and available and many people like it, but that equally applies to many other rums of similarly indifferent quality. It’s a space filler and a decent productbut not a key rum. I find even the 8 YO and the 3 YO white have more character, to be honest.

      All of the above aside, you are not wrong in your tastes. The entire field is a subjective and individual one, and if you like the ED12 and that turns your crank, than of course that is your thing and you have every right to champion your favourite. I like PM rums better than VSG rums, for example, but would never say you’re mistaken to prefer the Versailles. That people in our country would somehow not speak to each other about such a frivolous matter is, in my view, complete dotishness.

  6. Old Vatted Demera (OVD)
    bottled by George Morton ,Glasgow
    40% ABV
    very Dark Rum from Guyana
    Coffee and Chocolate notes
    smooth moreish

    • Are you implying the OVD should be a key rum of the world because of your tasting notes, or is the comment assigned to the wrong post?

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