Mar 132022


After the drought of festivals over the last two years, it’s good to see that dates are being announced and get-togethers organized once again. Festivals are those great meeting places where people from all walks of life can get together to sample, learn, educate, understand and meet many of the movers and shakers of the rum world. New rums are launched and old ones given new life. Friends are made, favoured enemies are offered spiced rums. Distillers new and old, producers, owners, ambassadors, agents, brokers, bloggers, vloggers, writers, instagrammers, journalists, hobbyists, aficionados, podcasters, personages and the simply curious all come together to rub shoulders and have a good time to see what’s out there, what’s new and exciting.

In previous years, Pete Holland curated this schedule, but I know he’s busy now, so I’ve taken it on myself to help out for 2022, not least because I want to go to a few of them myself (perhaps even with the lovely Mrs. Caner, who professes disinterest but “might take a glotochka or two”purely for educational purposes, you understand).

This is the best I’ve been able to come up with after some searching around. I’ve attempted to note which are trade fairs versus audience led events, and have (sorry!) mostly ignored cruises and specialty one-off affairs or cocktail-only. No doubt there’s the occasional error or omission, so if there is anything to add, delete or change, by all means shoot me a note so I can make corrections.











Tours / Mutiples

  • Gin & Rum Festival (around the UK, various dates)
  • WhiskyLive (around the world, various datesnot all have rums, but where this is known, an entry will be added above)

Webpages and festival sites that have not been updated for 2022, or are delayed to 2023

(Last checked for updates August 2nd 2022)


  1. Guyana Rum Festival (Sep 10-11) is limited; a bit of an expo, some cocktails, BBQ, music, and DDL and Banks products. Not a true festival.
  2. Craft show Edinburgh (Sep 10-11) reported to be majority gins, and rums made by those companies.


  1. Mostly wine but significant rum and spirits booths

  7 Responses to “2022 Rum Festival Schedule

  1. Pleasure to meet you
    It would be possible to add the 1st Rum Festival in Panama for October 13 and 14, 2022
    Hotel Waldorf Astoria / Country: Panamá

    ¿This has some cost or criteria to manage them?.
    I appreciate your attention, sincerely i’m follower of your page and IG

    He greets you
    Randolpth Ascaris
    Event organizer
    Member of Unidos por el Ron and Rones de Origen Panamá

    • There is no cost or criteria fo a rum show or festival to be addedexcept that it has to be all about rum, or include rum as a signicant proportion of the festival. The post is a free reference point and service to everyone (as is the whole site).

      Panama is now added

  2. Hi therethe Guyana Rum Festival is coming up between 9th and 11th September 2022.

    • I’ve added it, but must advise other readers of this comment that it strikes me as more of a general local social event to display some cocktails, DDL, Banks DIH and a few other rums. That is not a true festival, which almost axiomaticaly showcases many brands from many countries.

      • That’s a fair assessment; the plan for future years is for it to be more like a traditional rum festival with multiple brands from around the world. It is early days but for now, we are happy to be listed on this schedule.

  3. Rumbellion Singapore actually happened on 5 June.

    I know you mentioned WhiskyLive separately, but WhiskyLive Singapore dates have been confirmed (19-20 Nov) and there will be a rum section. Their website is but it’s down at the moment, I think they’re launching ticket sales later today.

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