Jan 012010


The Lone Caner originated in a book and spirits club called Liquorature, of which the Caner is a founding member.

This site is geared towards rum reviews that people (hopefully) stop over to check out, before dropping big bucks on sterling products. Or minor bucks on so-so products. Or maybe just to read something interesting. That is, after all, how it all started, and it’s been a long, fascinating journey with no end in sight. For more information, see the About tab at the top of this page.

Have fun, and enjoy.

  6 Responses toWelcome to The Lone Caner

  1. Congrats, Lance. Much success to you here. I have linked through ATW as well. Slainte!

  2. RSS feed?

  3. Yo Lance! Congratz on yer new site! Lemme know if you wanna review coupla rums I recently picked up in Havana.

    Ron VigiaGran Añejo, a ltd production
    Ron Santiago de CubaExtra Añejo, a 12 yr old

    Best Wishes,

  4. nice to see this new website !

  5. Lance, my sincere congratulations Canosabe! Keep up the good work, and Hiyo Silver Rum, away

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